Discussion on Esco's desktop shaker three eccentric shaft balance technology


The Esco OrbiCult TM series of laboratory shakers are designed with advanced technology and environmentally friendly design for a wide range of experiments and provide good results. Provide a better choice for laboratory sample preparation applications!

What is an eccentric shaft?

1. The concept of eccentric shaft

A workpiece whose outer circle is parallel to the axis of the outer circle and does not overlap is called an eccentric shaft. Like its name, its center is not at the center of the axis. The general axis can only drive the workpiece autobiography, but the eccentric shaft can not only transmit autobiography, but also transmit the revolution.

2. Application of eccentric shaft

In order to facilitate the adjustment of the center distance between the shaft and the shaft, the eccentric shaft is usually used in the V-belt drive of the planar link mechanism. For example, a laboratory table shaker.

3. Advantages of the eccentric shaft

  • ● The transmission mechanism is compact and can get a relatively large wheelbase (swing amplitude)
  • ● Simple design and low cost

4. The disadvantages of the eccentric shaft

  • ● Under the operating state, the sample of each position on the shaker table has poor uniformity of oscillation
  • ● The sample should be placed uniformly. If it is not evenly placed, the transmission mechanism is easy to wear and affect the service life.
  • ● Need regular lubrication and troublesome maintenance

Esco shaker three eccentric shaft balance design

Esco's bench-top shaker uses the latest three-eccentric shaft balance design technology on a traditional single-eccentric shaft shaker mechanism.

1. What is the three-eccentric shaft balance design?

As the name implies, the three eccentric shaft design is to combine three eccentric bearings into a triangular arrangement. Each eccentric bearing also participates in the transmission of the common rotational energy of the entire system while transmitting the kinetic energy of the rotation.

2.Esco table shaker three eccentric shaft schematic

3. Advantages of three eccentric shaft balance design

  • ● Can get more weight bearing
  • ● Faster speed and high speed adjustment
  • ● Get a better balance at high operating speeds
  • ● Ensure uniformity of sample oscillation at various positions on the shaker platform under operating conditions
  • ● Reduce wear and tear on the organization and increase the service life of the organization
  • ● Maintenance free, no need to add lubricant and artificial maintenance

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