The nutritional value of Crown Pear


Crown Pear contains a certain amount of protein, fat, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, malic acid, etc. These are essential substances for the human body. The heat production of 100 grams of pulp is 37 kcal, which is higher than the calories of other fruits of the same amount. Not only can pears be eaten raw, they can also be cooked and taste unique.


Pear is sweet, cold, and has a pure heart and lungs function. It is effective for patients with tuberculosis, bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infections such as throat dryness, itching, dumbness, and dumbness. Pears have the effect of lowering blood pressure, nourishing yin and clearing away heat.

Patients suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, liver cramps, and cirrhosis often benefit from eating some pears. It can promote appetite, help digestion, and promote urinary purge and antipyretic effects. It can be used to supplement water and nutrients when it is hot.

In addition to raw food, pears can also be used for wine making, pear paste, pear tart, and medicinal. Such as pear fruit hot cough, slice paste treatment of fire injury; wolfberry juice, lungs cool heart, anti-hemorrhoids, alcohol poisoning. Pear can go to the surface black acne; pear leaves decoction, wind treatment and children cold, bark can be in addition to the end of gas cough inverse embolism.

The fruit of pear is usually used for eating. It is not only delicious, but also sweet. It is rich in nutrients. It contains many kinds of vitamins and cellulose. The taste and texture of different kinds of pears are completely different. Pears can be eaten raw or eaten after cooking. In terms of medical efficacy, pears can moisten the lungs, induce sputum and relive cough, pass through constipation, and facilitate digestion, which is also good for the cardiovascular system. However, cold pears can easily hurt the spleen and stomach and should not eat more. In addition to serving as fruit, pears can also be used for viewing.

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