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How to Pesticide Pepper Fields
We advocate the principle of "prevention from prevention, prevention from prevention, and prevention from stress." Before the onset of disease, or before rain or rain, prepare to spray the protective fungicide 68.75% DuPont EPC 1000 times. For fields with weak seedlings and yellow leaves, you can spray some Shi Zhuang and other high quality Foliar spray fertilizer is used to supplement the lack of trace elements in plants and prevent the spread of physiological diseases. Because of Yibao's unique and rapid bactericidal action mechanism, it is highly resistant to rainwater after application, and has a very strong ability to re-distribution after rain. Has a dual protective effect, longer duration of protection (a period of protection of about 12 days). Broader bactericidal spectrum, effective for a variety of diseases, no need to mix with other protective fungicides. Continuous use is not easy to produce resistance, contains a variety of trace elements, stimulate the crop to grow better. The amount is low, the skin does not leave traces of the drug, the appearance of the fruit is clean, and the value is high. If the spraying time is appropriate, the pepper will be sprayed 2-3 times during the whole growth period, which will inhibit the occurrence of other diseases and have excellent control effect. Spicy farmers have always had poor results because of the ambiguous diagnosis of diseases, the treatment of bacterial diseases as fungal diseases, and the selection of pesticides that are not the right way. They are trying to buy cheaper effective ingredients. Pesticides, so the effect is poor. Bacterial diseases in the general pepper field occur less, and most of them are fungal diseases. In the onset period, we can use 40% of Fuxing EC 8000~12000 times or 20.67% of Wanxing EC 2500 times to alternately use. It is very effective in controlling diseases such as anthracnose, powdery mildew and fusarium wilt. If the epidemic is severe, 72% of Ke Lu WP can be sprayed 600 times at the initial stage, and 2500 times faster can be used in the middle and late stages. Each time the fungicide is sprayed, some insecticides such as Wanling 2500 times or imported kungfu 3000 times can be properly sprayed. If the larvae are severely harmed, they can be sprayed with an efficient acaricide and die for 2500 times. Double defense. In the countryside, the author often hears that farmers' friends are too expensive to import pharmaceuticals. In fact, the royalties of medicines have to look at the results. Using good medicines can reduce the number of medications and reduce the cost of medications. According to our investigation in the field, the application of such high-grade pesticides as Yibao and Fuxing once, and using other cheaper pesticides that are in a mess, are more than 2 or 3 times, and the general ledger is still very cost-effective. Therefore, the selection of drugs is also very important. Choose the pesticide on the road and use good medicine to cure the disease. This is the real purpose.