Onion cultivation technology


The center of the field management of green onions in autumn is to promote roots, strong trees and soil softening, strengthen fertilizer and water management, create suitable environmental conditions for the formation of light blue, and improve the yield and quality of green onions.

1. Watering: After the onion is planted, the management center is to promote rooting. Watering should be controlled, and the water should be drained and flooded after the rain to prevent rot, yellow leaves and dead seedlings. At the same time, the cultivator should be strengthened to promote root growth. Between the beginning of the autumn and the White Dew Festival, the principles of pouring, watering in the morning and evening should be mastered. After the white dew, green onions enter the growth stage. The principle of ground pouring and heavy pouring should be mastered in irrigation, and water should be poured every 4-6 days. With the water-spraying of the new high-fat membrane 800 times the heat preservation to prevent evaporation of water, isolation of gas-borne pathogens invade; after the fall of the temperature, the onion basically grows, the water requirement decreases, to keep the soil moist. Stop watering 5-7 days before harvest to facilitate harvesting.

2, top dressing: Welsh onion basis in the application of base fertilizer but also phase fertilizer. After the beginning of autumn, when the growth of plants is accelerated, topdressing "foliar manure" is applied, and 1500-2000 kilograms of farmyard manure per acre is applied and 20-25 kilograms of superphosphate is promoted to promote leaf growth. After the White Dew Festival, it enters the period of vigorous growth of scallions, which is the key period for the formation of welsh onion yield. It should be combined with watering to top up the "seizure of tree fertilization" 2 times, each time mus of 15-20 kilograms of urea and 10-15 kilograms of potassium sulphate. Sprinkle between rows, water after shallow cultivator, spray a new high-fat membrane to improve the utilization of active ingredients.

3. Earthing: Earthing is an important measure to soften leaf sheaths, prevent lodging, and increase light blue yield and quality. From the autumn festival to the harvest, generally three times of soil cultivation, the former two combined with cultivator, the ridge into the onion ditch, filling the ditch at the end of summer; the height of each cultivating scallion, should be based on the height of pseudostem growth, each time 3-4 cm, the soil is cultured to the leaf outlet of the uppermost leaf blade, and the heart leaf must not be buried to prevent the leaves from rot. Combining the soil in time to spray the stem stalks makes the stem of the garlic plant thick, the leaves are thick, and the leaf color is fresh, natural Strong taste, high commodity value.

Face Identification

We may hear of the Face Recognition, so what does this Face Recognition mean?

The Face Recognition(or the Facial Recognition) is a kind of biometric recognition technology based on the human facial feature information. The Face Recognition(AI Face Recognition) also refers to a series of related technologies that use a camera to collect images or video streams containing human faces, and automatically detect and track human faces in the images, and then recognize the detected faces.

The Face Recognition System(Face Recognition Identification) integrates various professional technologies such as the artificial intelligence, machine recognition, machine learning, model theory, expert system, video image processing, etc. It also needs to combine the theory and implementation of the intermediate value processing, and is the latest application of the biometric recognition. The realization of the core technology shows the transformation from the weak artificial intelligence to the strong artificial intelligence.

As time goes by, the Face Recogniton Technology(Face Recognition Thermometer) is becoming mature and mature and some mutifunctional Face Recognition Devices have been "born", and one of the most popular mutifunctional Face Recognition Devices is the Face Recognition with the Body Temperature Detection function(AI Face Recognition Camera). This kind of Face Recognition Devices perfectly solved many problems. For example, the touching with people who need to be detected the body temperature can be avoided; a lot of detection time, energy, procedures, and labor can be saved; the detection difficulty can be decreased. So convenient! And this kind of Face Recogniton has helped a lot since the COVID-19 occurred, and it may help more in the future.

Face Recognition Thermometer
Shenzhen Sanan Techonology Co.,Ltd also runs this kind of Face Recogniton(Face Recognition Infrared Thermometer) and it also has the color Bi-spectrum screen display except the body temperature detection function. Besides, we support the Local Language Customizing Service which means we can customize different languages according to the local accent of our clients. Really hope our Face Recognition can help more and more people.

Face Identification, AI Face Recognition, Face Recognition Identification, Face Recognition Thermometer, AI Face Recognition Camera, Face Recognition Infrared Thermometer

SHENZHEN SANAN TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD , https://www.sanan-cctv.com