Dry cow milk management point


Meaning of dry period

The lactating cow has a period of cessation of lactation before the next calving, called the dry period. The dry period is the period when the fetus needs rapid growth and development in the dairy cow, and it is also a necessary condition to further improve the nutritional status of the dairy cow and ensure that the next lactation period can be better and last longer. The science of feeding and management during the dry period can not only produce a robust yak, but also increase milk production during the next lactation period. During dry milk, the secretion of the mammary gland ceases and can be renewed for secretory epithelial cells, laying a solid foundation for normal lactation during the next lactation period. In addition, the dry period can compensate for the loss of nutrients in cows caused by long-term lactation of cows and restore bovine health. Strengthening nutrition during the dry period can increase the nutrient concentration of colostrum to make it contain more calcium, phosphorus and vitamins.

Dry milk knowledge

The length of the dry period depends on the size of the cow, body condition, lactation performance, and feeding and management conditions. Generally 45-75 days, an average of 50-60 days, prematurely dry milk will reduce the cow's milk production, which will be detrimental to production. If the dry milk is too late, it will affect fetal development and affect the quality of colostrum. With a short dry period and poor feeding and management, the content of carotenoids in cow colostrum will be reduced by 3-4 times. Under normal circumstances, 60 days is appropriate, and the quality of bovine colostrum is best.

Early-stage or early-maturing cows, frail and older cows, high-yield cows, and poorly-fed cattle require a longer dry period, usually 60-75 days. The cows with strong physique, low milk production, and good nutritional status can be shortened to 30-35 days in the dry period.

In the case of premature birth or stillbirth, the lack or shortening of the dry period also reduces the amount of milk produced during the next lactation period. Preterm milk production is only 80% of normal production.

Dry milk method

Generally adopting the fast-dry milk method means that the dry milk is completed within 5-7 days from the date of dry milk. The specific method is: from the first day of dry milk, the amount of concentrate should be properly reduced, and green juice should be stopped. Feed, control the amount of drinking water, reduce the number of milking and change the milking time. The first day of dry milk started from milking 3 times to milking once a day, crowding 1 time the next day, and then squeezing it once every other day. Generally, after 5-7 days, milking can be stopped when the daily milk volume drops below 8-10 kg. The milk should be completely squeezed after the last milking, and 10 ml of dried milk ointment should be injected into each nipple after squeezing. So that the rapid absorption of milk, and can prevent the occurrence of mastitis.

Some dairy farmers have also adopted a sudden dry milk method, which means that the milk is suddenly stopped on the dry milk day of the cow, and the milk retained in the breast can be completely absorbed in 4-10 days. For dairy cows with high milk production, milking should be done 7 days after the sudden stop of milking, but no milking is performed before milking. If antibacterial drugs are injected at the same time, the nipples are closed.

Feeding management

After 7-10 days of dry milk, the residual milk in the breast has been absorbed. After the breasts have dried up, the concentrate and succulent feed can be gradually increased to reach the feeding standard of the pregnant cow within 1 week.

The feeding of dry cows can be divided into two stages, namely pre-dry milk and late dry milk.

1. The period from dry milk until 2-3 weeks before calving is pre-dry milk. For high-yielding dairy cows with poor nutrition status, the nutritional level should be increased so that the weight in the early stage of dry milk is increased by about 10% from the peak of lactation to the middle and upper levels, so as to ensure that the next lactation period can achieve higher milk yield. For dry dairy cows with good nutritional status, the whole dry season is generally only given good quality hay, supplemented with a small amount of concentrate; and for malnourished dry dairy cows, in addition to adequate supply of high quality roughage, it should be fed with a certain amount of The amount of concentrates and concentrates depends on the quality of the feed and the degree of moisture of the cows. Generally, the daily feed can be supplied at the standard of 10-15 kilograms of milk per day, so that the cows can reach the upper and middle levels of precocious puberty. - 10 kg of high quality hay, 15-20 kg of green feed, 3-4 kg of mixed concentrate. In addition, diets should pay attention to the adequate supply of minerals and vitamins to meet the needs of fetal growth and development.

2. The period from the end of dry milk to the time before delivery is the late period of dry milk, about 2 weeks. At this time, it is necessary to prepare the cow's delivery and to make necessary preparations for the upcoming lactation and adaptation of the rumen to dietary changes. Therefore, in order to raise the level of concentrates in the diet, supplementary dietary concentrates should be added to the standard diets in accordance with the requirements of the induced feeding method. This is more necessary for breeding first-born cattle. Prenatal 4-7 days, if the cow udder edema is obvious, can be appropriately reduced the amount of green and juicy feed and concentrate material, mixed concentrate can be according to 70% of bran, corn 25%, 3% of bone meal, salt 2%.

In addition, in order to ensure the normal development of the fetus, the feed quality during the dry period is better, especially fresh, clean, can not feed the mild and rotten spoilage of feed and frozen feed, can not drink water with hail. In order to prevent postpartum constipation, bran-dried feed such as bran should be added before delivery.

3. Dry milk management

Do a good job in preventing miscarriage, preventing miscarriage, obstructed labor and staying in the place of the baby's tires. Adhere to appropriate exercise every day to prevent cows from being overcrowded and fall, so as to avoid mechanical abortion. After 20 days of dry milk, breast massage is performed once a day for 5-10 times. Minutes, promote breast development; strengthen skin brushing 2-3 times a day to keep the skin clean and promote metabolism.

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