Be wary of these foods that are susceptible to bacteria and teach you a safe diet


Listeria monocytogenes: fruits and vegetables and dairy products

Listeria strains can contaminate fresh produce, such as cantaloupe, tomatoes, and some dairy products. Symptoms of infection include fever, muscle pain, stomach upset or diarrhea. Symptoms generally appear after 2 days of consumption.

Safe coup: As Listeria can survive in a low-temperature environment, it is important that the refrigerator in your home is clean. At the same time, when buying cheese or yoghurt, check the label to make sure it is clearly marked "pasteurized."

Second, Salmonella: poultry and eggs

Salmonella can contaminate any food. Eggs are at greater risk of Salmonella infection after contact with animal waste. So even fresh eggs may contain Salmonella. Symptoms include stomach cramps, fever, and diarrhea. Usually after 12 to 72 hours of consumption will appear the corresponding symptoms, the disease generally lasts 4 to 7 days.

Safe coup: Salmonella is easy to survive in a humid and warm environment. Take care not to eat raw or uncooked eggs. After handling eggs, duck meat and other foods, wash hands and clear the cutting board and countertops.

III. E. coli: ground beef

E. coli can adhere to beef during slaughter. Therefore, ground beef is very dangerous. When the meat is crushed, bacteria can spread rapidly. After the human body infects E. coli, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting will appear. After eating a food that infects E. coli, it will become ill within a few days.

Safe coup: Do not buy minced meat, but choose a complete piece of meat. When cooking burdock and other foods, pay attention to wash your hands and clean the kitchen utensils.

Botox: canned foods

Canned foods, as well as cured meats and salted fish are particularly dangerous. It is worth mentioning that babies have the highest risk of botulism. Symptoms include paralysis, vomiting, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, and muscle weakness.

Safety coup: If you find Canned Food in your home, there is a case of canisters and cans leaking. Or the pickled foods you purchase will give off a stench, please dispose of them quickly.

V. Staphylococcus Aureus: Sandwiches and Salads

The most likely food containing Staphylococcus aureus are sandwiches, salads, brioche and pudding. Symptoms usually appear within 30 minutes and include vomiting, expectoration, and diarrhea.

Safe coup: Wash hands thoroughly before handling food. If you have a wound on your finger or wrist, it is best not to handle these foods.

VI. Vibrio vulnificus: Oysters

V. vulnificus is a type of bacteria that inhabits the ocean. It can contaminate many bells, especially oysters. This type of Vibrio infection can spread rapidly and cause severe myositis and myometitis.

Safe coup: Do not eat uncooked oysters. Fresh oysters that have been opened before cooking are also thrown away.


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