How to prevent pests after pear blossoms


The diseases that pear trees mainly control after the flowering period are pear rot, pear ringworm disease, pear black spot disease; insect pests are pear borer, pear stem bee, pear real bee, crickets, beetles, crickets, aphids and so on.

Pear rot disease and pear beryllitis disease are the peak period of pear tree rot disease and pear ring rot disease in the spring. Prevention and treatment should continue to cure old cracked skin and lesions on the branches, and use 45% Schneider after scraping. Ning 50-150 times liquid smear.

Pear black spot disease first removes the diseased tip, burns or buries deeply, and secondly, it sprays the protective fungicides.

The pear borers at this time of the pear borer are in the dead calyx. When the young fruit grows to the size of the thumb, they are transferred into young fruit. One larva can damage 1-4 young fruits, so 40% of the good labor is used. Systemic insecticides prevent and control.

Pear stem bees when the new shoots grow 10-15 centimeters in the new tip 6-7 centimeters saw tip spawning, so it is necessary to spray control insects, but also cut off the tip of the victim, cut off in the mouth under the 3-4 cm.

Pygmy bees occur one generation a year, mainly in the flowering period to fruiting period of one month time, the larvae are generally in the calyx, to spray the systemic medicaments for prevention and treatment, can use 40% good labor plus 2.5 % pheromone for prevention and treatment.

In Natural Juice

Canned Peach, peeled and pitted Yellow Clingstone Peaches, in Natural Juice such as Pear juice From Concetrate and white grape juice.

Diced Peaches In Natural Juice

Canned Peach In Juice are natural, delicious and healthy. All fresh Ams Peaches are picked from Fomdas own orchards and approved qualified suppliers' orchards, they are naturally sun-rippened. All the pesticides are provided and managed by professional staffs from Fomdas, we guide farmers on how to use and spray pesticides scientifically.

Every piece of fresh peach is selected on appearance, color and maturity, they are pesticides and heavy metal residual tested before putting into production.

Canned Peach In Juice

Fomdas canned Yellow Cling Peach with Natural Juice Added is a good source of Vitmains, it is also a good snack for both kids and adults. It is popular to mix Canned Sliced Peaches with yogurt.

With shelf-stable Juice Pack canned yellow peaches, you can enjoy sweet and fresh taste of yellow peaches anytime and anywhere.

Canned Peach in Juice, Pear Juice from Concentrate, Fruit Juice, Juice Pack, Natural Juice Added