First, the spring greenhouse cucumber planting should be carefully before the colonization, organic fertilizer applied, the cucumber after planting should be timely control of the appropriate temperature within the shed, is conducive to the growth of cucumber, and pay attention to adjust the light, the humidity inside the greenhouse, while spraying a new high-fat membrane can be effective To prevent the ground water from evaporating, the water of the seedlings does not transpire, and the slow seedling period is shortened, so that the plants quickly adapt to the new environment and grow up healthily. Second, according to the growth needs of cucumber reasonable watering, fertilizing, weeding, pest control, while removing old leaves, diseased leaves and timely out of the shed outside the deep burial, while spraying a new high-fat membrane protective film, prevention and control of gas-borne pathogens Intrusion. Third, in order to increase the greenhouse fruit set rate, generally in the cucumber before flowering, young fruit, fruit expansion spray Zhuang Gutierin, strengthen the amount of nutrient delivery, increase crude guadi, coordinate nutrition balance, promote rapid development of melon, so that Beautiful, juicy and tasty. Instrument Sample Cups,Ral Sample Cup,Ral Instrument Sample Cup,Ral Instrument Sample Container Yancheng Rongtai Labware Co.,Ltd ,