Release date: 2015-01-07 On the last day of 2014, Mr. Jose Rodriguez will not go to breakfast and lunch, but will leave the empty stomach to the last full dinner of the new year, even though this is his “wacky†way of eating, and he I thought it was healthy, but she didn't realize it until the regular blood test confirmed that he had type 2 diabetes. Jose Rodriguez said, I was very shocked at the time, I did not expect that I would have diabetes, and I told the doctor that I would try my best to improve the disease. Jose Rodriguez then participated in a diabetes education program at the Loyola University Health System in Chicago, where certified diabetes experts helped patients make dietary and lifestyle changes, including Reduce soda, monitor patient diet, change body composition, encourage individuals to exercise more and test blood sugar at all times. Rodriguez said, I don't like to eat vegetables, and eating vegetables is a challenge for me. Once I follow the plan and change my eating habits more, I can help control my diabetes more effectively. I learned a daily balanced diet and exercised 4 to 5 times a week for up to an hour. There are currently about 29 million people with diabetes in the United States. The symptoms of diabetes are as follows: 1) often urinating; 2) often feeling thirsty; 3) often feeling hungry, albeit already full; 4) very tired; 5) blurred vision ; 6) bruises are slow to recover; 7) hands and feet often have a feeling of tingling, pain and numbness. The researchers point out that early detection and treatment of diabetes can help reduce the risk of complications caused by diabetes, and in the new year, individuals with these symptoms should go to the hospital in time to determine whether they have diabetes. Everyone in the new year should change their diet and lifestyle, or adjust their habits to control the health of the body and effectively prevent various diseases, especially diabetes. Source: Bio Valley A medium-sized cob of corn provides more than 10% of our daily dietary fibre requirements.
Fibre is fermented by bacteria in the colon. Promising studies are underway to determine the health-promoting effects of fibre fermentation breakdown products, for example, short-chain fatty acids, which may help to maintain a healthy gut.
Yellow Sweet Corn,Double Packed Sweet Corn,Double Packed Sweet Corn Cob,Double Packed Yellow Sweet Corn Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,
There are two types of dietary fibre - soluble and insoluble - and sweet corn contains both.
According to the American Heart Association, dietary fibre as part of an overall healthy diet can help lower blood cholesterol levels and may reduce the risk of heart disease. It is insoluble fibre that binds to cholesterol, preventing it from being absorbed into the bloodstream.
Insoluble fibre is responsible for promoting regularity and helping to prevent constipation by speeding up the passage of food and waste through the intestines and absorbing water to keep stools soft. Insoluble fibre has been shown to reduce the risk of haemorrhoids.
Fibre-containing foods such as sweetcorn also help to provide a sense of satiety and may therefore help to suppress appetite and aid weight management.
Dietary fibre has also been linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. A diet rich in fibre helps patients manage their disease.
New year, reasonable plan to reduce the risk of diabetes
On the last day of 2014, Mr. Jose Rodriguez will not go to breakfast and lunch, but will leave the empty stomach to the last full dinner of the new year, even though this is his “wacky†way of eating, and he I thought it was healthy, but she didn't realize it until the regular blood test confirmed that he had type 2 diabetes.