Tomato Bumblebee Pollination and Pests Green Control Program


In accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of Integrated Demonstration Program for Printing and Sending of Bees Pollination and Pests and Diseases Green Prevention Technologies" issued by the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, in order to better improve the fruit-setting rate of tomatoes in the facility, improve fruit flavor and quality, increase production, save labor, and reduce labor. Intensity, Hebei Provincial Plant Protection and Quarantine Station decided to establish a demonstration base of tomato bumblebee pollination and green prevention and control technology integration facilities in our province in 2015 to promote the green prevention and control of tomato pests and diseases in our province's facilities, and to better promote pollution-free pollution in our province. The comprehensive popularization of green prevention and control technology for vegetables has specifically formulated this plan.

I. Demonstration location and scale

This year, a demonstration area of ​​tomato poisonous bumble bee pollination and pest control green prevention and control technology has been established in Raoyang County, Hengshui City, with a demonstration area of ​​1,000 mu. Other cities (counties) are encouraged to actively participate in trials and demonstrations.

Second, integration and promotion of practical technology

1. Bumblebee pollination technology. Select Bumblebee Pollination for facilities tomato, one box per shed (1.5-3 mu). Pollinated bumble bees are released at the beginning of the tomato flowering period. The location of the beehive must be ventilated and sun-protected. The beehive is placed at a height of 10-20 cm from the ground. When the tomatoes in the shed are short and cannot be shaded for the beehive, they can be shaded manually with wood, foam boards, shade nets, cardboard, and other materials. The shading material must be more than 50 cm away from the beehive. Focus on the south and west side of the hive to ensure shading. It is best to place it in the evening and put it aside for 1-2 hours before opening the bee to prevent the worker bees from hitting the film and causing unnecessary injuries. After 1-2 days, the bumblebee can adapt to the environment and begin to visit flowers.

2. Note.

(1) Within 5 to 5 days after the colony is introduced into the colony, it is normal for the colony to work out if it is less or not working. After the colony has adapted to the surrounding environment, it will work normally.

(2) The use of insecticides during the pollination of bumblebees can be used in conjunction with natural enemies such as citrifolia citrifolia and pupa mosquitoes. The use of bactericidal agents requires the selection of specific agents, which can be used to close the bees or take the beehive out of the shed.

(3) The bumblebee's adaption temperature is 8°C-35°C, and some cold water can be placed on the top of the beehive when the temperature of the greenhouse is too high. When the shed is kept below 10°C or above 35°C for a long time and the continuous rainy weather reaches 3 days, it will affect the bumble bee pollination effect. Other pollination measures are required.

(4) Bumblebee pollination cannot solve the problem of fruit deformity caused by malformed flowers.

(5) When using the bee colony for 20 days, check the amount of sugar in the tank.

3. Green pest prevention and control technology. The use of bumblebee pollination replaces artificial hormones to protect fruits and fruits. In the process of pest control, key technologies such as biological control, ecological control, physical control, and high-efficiency and low-toxicity pesticides are applied, and technical measures such as optimization of drug use time, types of medicaments, and methods of application are realized. The whole process of green prevention and control and scientific and safe use of drugs to reduce crop pest damage, while protecting bumblebees.

The main pests and diseases of the facilities include gray mold, early blight, late blight, leaf spot, root knot nematode disease, whitefly pests, aphids, and spotted fly. Its specific prevention and control methods are as follows:

(1) disinfection of the greenhouse. Before the planting, the greenhouse film, wall, and skeleton shall be disinfected to reduce the number of pests and diseases.

(2) Colonization of disease-free healthy seedlings. The purchased seedlings must be strictly inspected to ensure that they are healthy and disease-free.

(3) Thiamethoxam or imidacloprid was sprayed on the seedling seedlings for 2-3 days prior to transplanting (so that some of the liquids flowed into the soil) to prevent the occurrence of Bemisia tabaci.

(4) Use 40-50 mesh insect nets after planting to physically block pests; hang yellow plates to trap and kill aphids and whiteflies.

(5) Use polyoxin, kasugamycin, procymidone, iprodione, azoxystrobin, etc. to prevent the disease of bees with low toxicity or non-toxicity before spraying. In the flowering period, it is best to move the beehives out of the shed, and wait until the drug is valid (3-5 days) before returning to the shed.

(6) Before the flowers are used, they are regularly controlled according to the occurrence of pests, and the amount of insects is reduced. The agent may be selected from mineral oil, matrine, veratridine, rotenone, buprofezin, spirotetramat, nitenpyram, avermectin and other drugs that are less toxic to bees or have a shorter safety interval. It is better to move the beehives out of the sheds during the flowering period when they are used for drug control. After the drug is valid (5-10 days), they are put back into the sheds.

4. Other supporting measures.

(1) Selecting good disease-resistant varieties, adopting grafting, rotating crops to prevent diseases, rationally applying organic fertilizers, cultivating strong seedlings, and timely ventilation to reduce the humidity in the shed.

(2) Where conditions permit, drip irrigation, under-membrane irrigation and other measures can be used to reduce the humidity in the greenhouse, create an environment conducive to the survival of natural enemies, and reduce the occurrence of diseases, thereby reducing the use of fungicides.

(3) Release natural enemies. When insect pests such as whitefly and aphid were found on the trapping board, or after they were found in the shed, the natural enemies began to be released. Hanging licorice bumblebee bee card to control whitefly, release food mosquitoes to control aphids.

(4) Use of insecticides and fungicides. Bumblebees and citrons are sensitive to most insecticides and try to avoid pesticides. If necessary, choose selective insecticides that have little or no effect on natural enemies. Localized pests should be treated with a selective treatment. Do not use as much medicine as possible. Fungicides generally do not cause natural enemies to die directly. However, in the prevention and control of greenhouse diseases, care should be taken not to form water films on leaf surfaces and to improve the application methods.

Vitamins & Nutritions


Vitamin A: Retinol. Carotene compounds responsible for transmitting light sensation in the retina of the eye. Deficiency leads to night blindness.

Beta carotene: An antioxidant which protects cells against oxidation damage that can lead to cancer. Beta carotene is converted, as needed, to vitamin A. Food sources of beta carotene include vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and other leafy green vegetables; and fruit such as cantaloupes and apricots. Excessive carotene in the diet can temporarily yellow the skin, a condition called carotenemia, commonly seen in infants fed largely mushed carrots.

Vitamin B1: Thiamin, acts as a coenzyme in body metabolism. Deficiency leads to beriberi, a disease of the heart and nervous system.

Vitamin B2: Riboflavin, essential for the reactions of coenzymes. Deficiency causes inflammation of the lining of the mouth and skin.

Vitamin B3: Niacin, an essential part of coenzymes of body metabolism. Deficiency causes inflammation of the skin, vagina, rectum and mouth, as well as mental slowing.

Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine, a cofactor for enzymes. Deficiency leads to inflammation of the skin and mouth, nausea, vomiting, dizziness , weakness and anemia.

Folate (folic acid): Folic acid is an important factor in nucleic acid synthesis (the genetic material). Folate deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia.

Vitamin B12: An essential factor in nucleic acid synthesis (the genetic material of all cells). Deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia, as can be seen in pernicious anemia.

Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid, important in the synthesis of collagen, the framework protein for tissues of the body. Deficiency leads to scurvy, characterized by fragile capillaries, poor wound healing, and bone deformity in children.

Vitamin D: A steroid vitamin which promotes absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Under normal conditions of sunlight exposure, no dietary supplementation is necessary because sunlight promotes adequate vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Deficiency can lead to osteomalacia in adults and bone deformity (rickets) in children.

Vitamin E: Deficiency can lead to anemia.

Vitamin K: An essential factor in the formation of blood clotting factors. Deficiency can lead to abnormal bleeding.


For the treatment of nutritional disease, any of the nutrient-related diseases and conditions that cause illness in humans. They may include deficiencies or excesses in the diet, obesity and eating disorders, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, and diabetes mellitus. Nutritional diseases also include developmental abnormalities that can be prevented by diet, hereditary metabolic disorders that respond to dietary treatment, the interaction of foods and nutrients with drugs, food allergies and intolerances, and potential hazards in the food supply. All of these categories are described in this article. For a discussion of essential nutrients, dietary recommendations, and human nutritional needs and concerns throughout the life cycle, see nutrition, human.

*Related Products:vitamins drugs,nutritions drugs.

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