Device name Common materials Belt dryer Dehydrated vegetables, pelleted food, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, coconut Enhanced airflow dryer Active gluten, calcium citrate, dough-shaped bread, rice bran Rotary quick dryer Soy protein, gelatinized starch, distiller's grains, wheat sugar, wheat starch, etc. Spray belt dryer Molasses, corn syrup, 60% maltose, 100% wort, crystallized lactose, acid cheese whey, crystallized glucose, cream, cream, margarine, 50% coconut oil, coffee powder, fermented milk, high protein food, Apple, fruit juice, butter, cheese, ice cream, pastry stuffing, tomatoes, sour whey, sweet whey, sweetened milk powder, etc. Freeze dryer Spinach, onion, mushrooms, peas, cucumber, asparagus, green beans, carrots, wild vegetables, fish, shrimp, kelp, shellfish, banana, apple, strawberry, pineapple, cantaloupe, beef, lamb, chicken, beef liver , chicken liver, pig liver, onion, ginger, garlic, spices, coffee, fruit, pollen, lotus root starch, royal jelly, etc. Drum dryer Yeast, antibiotic, lactose, starch slurry, animal glue, alpha-starch, oatmeal, sodium benzoate, whey, whole milk, skim milk, starch Inert particle dryer Bean paste Internal heat pipe fluidized bed dryer Soy products, starch, starch derivatives Conductive heat transfer vibration fluidized bed Nutmeg, coffee beans, soybeans, sunflower seeds, chocolate particles, lactose, yeast, lysine, milk powder, tomato powder, bean protein, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, apple, pumpkin, konjac, radish, hawthorn (red fruit) saccharin sodium ,brown sugar Straight pipe air dryer Flour, MSG Spray dryer Baby food, yogurt, casein, caseinate, cheese, sugar coconut milk, whipped cream, eggs: egg white, egg yolk, whole egg, ice cream mixture, milk substitute, mixed dairy, skim milk, whey, milk Mother liquid, whole milk. Artichoke, cake mix, chrysanthemum tea, coconut mix, coffee essence, coffee maker, coffee essence to ***, fat-containing flour mixture, seasoning, juice with intrusion, garlic, rose juice, licorice paste , malt extract, milk coffee mixture, sage, vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, rennet, soup mixture, tea essence, tomato, mycelium vitamin B12, niacin, protease, hydrolyzed protein, sorbose Alcohol, valerian, soluble fish meal, fish paste, fish protein