Tanpi soaked in water


Dried tangerine peel is a more commonly used Chinese herbal medicine, which is dried from the skin of the orange fruit we often eat. Chinese medicine believes that dried tangerine peel is bitter and warm, and it can have the effect of qi and soothing the liver, dampness and spleen, and clearing up spleen and stomach qi stagnation and phlegm and dampness.

Orange has the efficacy of lungs, cough, phlegm, spleen, qi, and thirst quencher. It is an excellent fruit for men, women and children (especially the elderly, acute and chronic bronchitis, and cardiovascular disease patients). Oranges can be described as all treasures: not only the high medicinal value of pulp, its skin, nuclei, collaterals, leaves are "authentic herbs."

Orange peel medicine called "Chenpi", with Liqi dampness, Huatanzhike, spleen and stomach effect, commonly used to prevent chest pain, phlegm, breast bulging, breast lump, stomach pain, food product embolism. Its nucleus is called "Orange", which has the effect of dispelling knots and analgesia. It is commonly used in the treatment of testicular swelling and pain, and mastitis swelling and pain. Orange network, that is, the meridians on the net of melon, has the effect of meridians, phlegm, and blood circulation, and is often used to treat stagnation, cough, embolism, etc. Because the Orange Complex is rich in vitamin P, it can effectively prevent and treat high blood pressure, and the elderly eat more food and health benefits.

Orange leaves have the effect of soothing the liver, reducing swelling and dispersing poison, and are necessary for the treatment of hypochondriac pain and milk pain. Orange peel off the white inner layer, the single remaining epidermis is called "orange", with the lungs, sputum and other effects, clinically used to treat cough, hiccup embolism. Oranges are rich in sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose), vitamins, malic acid, citric acid, proteins, fats, dietary fiber, and a variety of minerals. A recent study by the Australian Institute of Science and Industrial Research shows that they eat every day. An orange can make people avoid the invasion of certain cancers (such as oral cancer, laryngeal cancer and gastric cancer). Although the benefits of oranges are more, they should be eaten frequently instead of eating more.

Chinese medicine believes that oranges are warm and easy to get angry, and symptoms such as mouth sores, dry mouth, dry throat, and constipation can occur. Because the orange flesh contains a certain amount of organic acid, it is best not to eat oranges on an empty stomach in order to avoid discomfort caused by its stimulation of the gastric mucosa. In addition, oranges also contain a large amount of carotenoids. If the amount of carotenoids in the blood is too high, the skin may turn yellow if it is eaten in excess or if there is excessive intake in the near future. At this time, in addition to drinking plenty of water and temporarily not eating oranges, it is also necessary to limit the intake of carotene-rich foods. After about a month or so, the skin's color will return to normal.

Tan skin soaked in water

Take a little orange peel (not more than 10 grams), brew with boiling water, drink on behalf of the tea, 2-3 times a day, until healed. After drinking tea, it is best to eat together with slag. Or Chenpi plus ginger soup, take ginger and tangerine peel each 5 grams, a little sugar, add 400 ml of water, Jiantang, 3-4 times drinking.

Chenpi soaked in water to drink mainly spleen and stomach. The main transport of spleen and stomach is wet, so the spleen and stomach can be damp, spleen, and phlegm. In addition, many traditional Chinese medicines also need to add tangerine peel when decocting. As a drug primer, the effect of tangerine peel is not normal.

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