How to solve the contradiction between pig farm and environmental protection?


There is a farmer saying, "Raw pigs do not make money and look back at the fields." Traditional individuals raising pigs and returning pig manure to urine are good farmyard fertilizers and there are no pollution problems. However, with the development of large-scale pig production, large amounts of pig manure have not been thoroughly treated and concentrated to discharge, which is bound to pollute the environment.

At present, the economically developed areas in the country, especially in the southeastern coastal areas, are increasingly intensifying the contradiction between pig rearing and environmental protection. It is not uncommon for the “limitation order”, “forbidden order” and forcible demolition. There are four main reasons for this result:

1. Insufficient understanding of the seriousness of sewage discharge from pig farm waste

Pigs have large food intake, high excrement and urine, and high concentration of sewage. A farm with a population of 6,000 heads consumes about 12 tons of feed every day, producing about 12 tons of pig manure, 19 tons of pig urine, and about 70 tons to 150 tons of sewage. The amount of sewage discharged from a 10,000 pig farm is equivalent to 25,000 people. In addition, pig manure effluent COD concentration is very high, pig manure is about 21000mg/l, pig urine is about 18000mg/l, sewage is about 12000mg/l. Many government departments and pig farmers lack enough awareness of the large amount of sewage discharged from the pig farms and the serious pollution, so that the pigs will not be polluted but will be treated after polluting.

2. Incorrect farm site selection

The Livestock Husbandry Law of the People's Republic of China, which came into effect on July 1, 2006, stipulates: prohibition of drinking water in drinking water source protection areas, scenic spots, and nature reserves in the core area and buffer zone, urban residential areas, cultural education and scientific research area Such areas as population concentration build livestock farms and breeding farms. However, due to the fact that many places did not plan animal husbandry bans, restricted areas, and fitness areas in the early days or even so far, many large-scale pig farms were established in the banishment areas.

3. Serious shortage of environmental protection investment on pig farms and imperfect processing facilities

Large-scale pig manure in large-scale pig farms must be treated to convert fertilizers, energy (biogas) and other usable substances. This requires investment. The foreign investment in pig farms generally accounts for 20% to 25% of the total investment, while most of the farms in China have less than 10% environmental protection investment. Now a total of 10,000 pig farms will have a total investment of 8 million yuan to 10 million yuan, and environmental protection investment will reach 800,000 yuan to 1 million yuan. Inadequate investment, technological facilities are certainly not perfect, waste and urine sewage cannot be completely treated and utilized, and “standard discharge” is just empty talk.

4 is too large, beyond the environmental carrying capacity

Even if a large-scale pig farm is built in a suitable breeding area, there is also a problem of environmental carrying capacity, and the scale and the environment must be matched. After the sewage treatment of pig manure, it must be used nearby, especially sewage, otherwise the transportation cost is too high.

Vegetable fields, fish ponds, orchards, tea gardens, pastures and other farmland are good places for pig manure, biogas slurry, and biogas residue. Of course, proper application is very important.

In some places, due to lack of understanding, blindly expand the scale of feeding, engage in millions of pigs counties. Residential towns, large-scale, pig manure effluent can not be processed and used nearby, which is another important reason for raising pigs and environmental protection.

The government and pig farmers work hard together to solve the contradiction between raising pigs and environmental protection

In the pig's daily feeding and management process, there is no excrement of urine and urine in the Jinpo dry-fermenting piggery to affect the environment. This not only achieves zero emission of environmental protection, but also reduces the irritation of harmful gases on the respiratory mucosa of pigs and reduces the respiratory tract. The chance of an epidemic infection has been described as an environmentally friendly and safe ecological pig raising law. There are five main benefits to the Golden Baby Dry Sausage Bed Pigs:

1. Deodorization of environmental protection pig manure A portion of the degraded odorless gas is discharged under the action of functional bacteria such as steam and CO2, and the other part is converted to nutrients such as crude protein, bacterial proteins and vitamins. Eliminating the pollution of the ecological environment caused by excreta and urine from the source, so that the housing can be odorless and achieve zero emissions.

2. The energy generated by the energy-saving grain ginseng fermentation bed fermentation is kept at a temperature of 20 degrees for both winter and summer, which can save more than half of the coal power. Fecal urine and litter under the action of beneficial bacteria, degradation and formation of bacterial protein and a variety of beneficial substances are eaten by pigs, waste recycling, can save about 20-30% of feed. Each pig can save about 100 pounds of feed or more.

3. Anti-disease promotes long fermentation The mattress material eliminates the odor substances in the excreta through physical absorption, chemical neutralization, and the biochemical action of the fermentation process. The pigs live in a large amount of beneficial bacteria environment for a long time, and the environment inside the housing Freshness significantly improves the disease resistance of pigs, and rarely causes illnesses (eg, pigs raised on fermentation beds are basically free from foot-and-mouth disease or occasional infections will also recover quickly, and do not continue to be as vicious as the cement ring), saving pigs per pig. Medical costs 5-8 yuan, growing smoothly, but also in advance slaughter.

4, the water-saving province Jinbao dry Sausage fermentation bed breeding, without cleaning manure, do not have to red circle, can save more than 90%, the original three people to live, now a person can easily be completed.

5, improve the quality of dry-sweeping fermentation bed pigs with less medication, or almost no drugs, can greatly reduce or even eliminate drug residues, so that the meat quality is better, the price is higher. Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Telephone Toll Free Hotline:



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