First, it is easy to accelerate the aging of the film. "High temperature stuffy shed" is the most damaging to the greenhouse film. It is understood that the greenhouse high temperature stuffy shed can significantly reduce the service life of the shed film. If the high temperature season in the summer is more than one month, the shed film will be seriously aged: low light transmittance. Poor insulation, easily damaged. Therefore, the summer high temperature dwelling time must not be too long, generally 10 to 15 days is appropriate. It is best not to change the membrane before the shed, and replace it with a new membrane at the end of the shed, and then plant the vegetables. This can slow down the aging of the greenhouse membrane. Second, affect fertilizer efficiency. The size of the fertilizer effect is related to the length of the boring time. Some peasants are continuously boring for two or three months. The time is too long and the fertilizer is decomposed too much, which has a certain effect on fertilizer efficiency. Therefore, vegetable farmers should be flexible according to their own situation, for unfermented mature manure or straw manure, can be bored for a long time to fully decay, is conducive to the absorption of nutrients by vegetables; and for the decomposed manure should Shorten drapery time. It is recommended to adopt a combination of dry stuffy and stuffy stuffy stuffy sheds, that is dry boring for 3-5 days before fertilizing, turning the ground, irrigating and drenching for 5-10 days, so that the pathogens in the soil in the shed can be easily killed. The basal fat loss is also small. Fresh Half Shell Mussel Meat,Half Shell Mussel Meat,Frozen Cooked Mussel Meat,Frozen Mussel Shengsi Huali Aquatic Products Co.,Ltd ,