Pesticide residues in agricultural products can be removed or reduced by some methods. Common methods used include placement, washing, cooking and peeling. First, it is placed because pesticide residues will degrade continuously over time. Some storage-resistant potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc., can be stored for several days after purchase. On the one hand, the agricultural products can be matured, and on the other hand, pesticides will be Degradation reduces the residue. The second is washing. Residues of pesticides remaining on the surface or outside of agricultural products are also easier to wash off with water or detergent. Therefore, vegetables should be blisters with water for half an hour before cooking, and then rinse with proper detergent. Basically, the surface can be removed. Pesticide residues. Third, cooking, high temperatures can generally make pesticide residues degrade faster. The fourth is peeling. The pesticide residue on the skins of apples, pears, citrus and other agricultural products is generally higher than the internal tissue. Therefore, peeling and peeling is a good method. However, it should be noted that no matter what method is used, the complete removal of pesticide residues in agricultural products, especially for small amounts of pesticide residues that have entered the internal organization of agricultural products, is difficult to achieve; and if other substances are used in the removal of pesticide residues , such as detergents, fungicides, enzyme agents, etc., also need to consider the safety of the human body after the use of these substances, because detergents, etc. Although it can remove pesticide residues, but itself as a chemical or biological pollutants may also Secondary pollution of agricultural products (or food), some detergents may be more toxic than many pesticides. It is possible to properly and consciously deal with agricultural products, but it is not necessary to over-concern and deal with them. As long as the residue does not exceed the standard, there will be no problem. Just as we breathe in every day, we may inhale germs, but it will not cause disease. Soft Comfortable Dressing,Breathable Dressing,Silicone Dressing,Custom Hydrocolloid Dressing Zhende Medical Co.,Ltd ,