Cotton Cotyledon Cultivation Technology
1 The mycelium growth temperature of Coprinus comatus during the cultivation season is 10 to 35°C, and the optimum temperature is 20 to 30°C. The growth temperature of fruiting bodies is 10 to 30°C. The most suitable 12-22 °C, is a type of high temperature bacteria: according to its requirements on the growth temperature and the characteristics of climate change in the region, make the following arrangements for the production season: in May to do a species, in June to do a good job In the first half of September, three species (cultivar species) were prepared. In the middle and early October, batches of buried rods were used to cover soil in batches, and in late October mushrooming and harvesting began. Cultivation methods and places: It is cultivated in plastic bags for vegetable greenhouses, covered with a layer of film, and then covered with 2 layers of sun-shading film. 2 Cultivation Techniques 2.1 Seed Production and 1 Mother Species: Using PDA medium, culture at a constant temperature of 25°C, about 10 days, the hyphae of coprinus comatus can be covered with slant. 2 original species: the formula is 88% cotton shell, 10% wheat flour, 2% lime. After thoroughly mixing the raw materials, adjust the moisture content to about 62%, and put it into a 17cm X 33cm polypropylene bag (bag thickness o.05 ~ o.06mm), load high 16cm, tight uniform, put the collar, add cotton Plug, autoclave 2kg/cm2 to maintain 2 hours, remove and cool in a sterile box, 1. The parent species can be connected to 3 bags of the original species. The original seeds that were inoculated in early June are cultured in about 30 days, and the mycelium can be filled with bags by the beginning of July. 8 Cultivated species: The formulation of the culture material is 83% cotton seed husk, 1-3% wheat flour, 1% urea, 2% phosphate fertilizer, 2% lime, and carbendazim 0.1%; the raw material is mixed thoroughly to adjust the moisture content to 65 %, playing piled into a trapezoid, the bottom of the pile is about 1.2m wide, the pile height is about 0.8m, depending on the circumstances. After building a pile, use a wooden stick to drill a few holes from the top of the pile to the bottom of the pile. The stack is covered with a plastic film and covered with a layer of straw. The whole heap period is about 7 days, and the intermediate piles are turned 3 times. It is best to have a large number of white actinomycetes in the material piles. After the completion of the composting, the moisture content of the culture material was mainly checked to be about 62%, and the pH was 7.5 to 8. There was no ammonia smell. The size of the cultivation bag is 17cm X 33cm. Put some strains (original species) on the bottom of the bag first, and then put it into a stack of fermented culture materials. The elasticity is the same. The filling height is 18cm. Put some strains on top and compress the material. Afterwards, fold the pouches well and use 5 to 6 small holes in the upper and lower parts of the pouch with small round nails. Place them horizontally in the culture room (do not stack). (Note: A bag of original species can be connected to 20 bags of cultivated species. Lt cotton shells contain about 3,500 bags). The average daily temperature in Shanghai in September is generally below 30°C. After about 25 days, the mycelium can be full of bags. 2.2 Inoculated with mushroom sticks The mushrooms are expected to be poured in 800-fold dichlorvos and 5% formaldehyde water in the vegetable greenhouses 7 to 10 days before the expected bacteria-preserving sticks, and covered with a thin film to kill pests and bacteria in the soil. , Filming about 5 days, do a good job in the shed, the width of about 1.2m. About 15cm deep. The fungus was then bagged and placed horizontally in the pot. The distance between the bar was about 5 cm and then covered with about 5 cm thick soil (into the soil, 2% lime powder was added). After the end of the cover soil, the soil content of the cover soil was adjusted to about 22%. In addition, the film moisturizes and suspends the soil hyphae, shifts the membrane once a day to adjust the gas flow, and after about two weeks, the hyphae are covered with earth-covered layers and begins to form the original primordium. At this time, bamboo culms are used to prop up the arches in the surface. The upper cover film moisturizes and mushrooms, but it is necessary to pay attention to ventilation in the small ring shed. When the temperature in the shed exceeds 18°C, put the covered film away from the floor to facilitate cooling and moisturizing. It can be harvested after one week, when harvesting period is slightly loose. The bioconversion rate of Coprinus comatus cultivated by this method is about 120%, and the fruit body is hypertrophic and good in quality, and the mycelium is not easy to be aged and degraded, and the mushroom production period is prolonged. 3 Pest control In practice, it has been found that the brown mushroom-shaped mushroom-producing period mainly occurs in the form of a brown antler-shaped forked charcoal horn (also known as the chicken claw bacterium), and the fruiting body in the ward cannot occur. It is annoying. Prevention methods: 1 7 to 10 days before the expected bacteria bar buried, the cover soil used first 5% formaldehyde water pouring sterilized, and add 2% lime powder to increase the acidity of the soil, inhibit the occurrence of bacteria. 2 The scientific arrangement of the buried rods is appropriate, and generally the region is suitable from the mid-to-late October. If it is too early, it will be susceptible to disease in high temperature and high humidity environment. China Agricultural Network Editor