There are several reasons for the widespread defertilization of cotton fields in recent days after rainfall. First, heavy rainfall caused the loss of fertilizer; Second, some wheat (oil) after the cotton is too late to use basal fertilizer, top dressing is not timely; Third, the fertilizer formula is irrational, potassium fertilizer, boron fertilizer is insufficient; Fourth, improper fertilization method, a farmer will fertilizer Spread to the surface, fertilizer loss is serious. At present, fertilization should be classified according to the growth period and plant growth of the cotton, so as to promote balanced growth of the cotton. The cotton field that has been flowered and belled is planted with flowers and bolls, 15 kg of compound fertilizer per mu, 10 kg of urea, 15 kg of potassium chloride, and cotton fields entering the period of budding, and 2000-2500 kg of organic fertilizer is applied per acre. 15-20 kg of potassium compound fertilizer, 15 kg of potassium chloride, and 10 kg of urea were added to the severely decomposed field. No budding cotton fields are mainly applied with urea or ammonium bicarbonate to promote rapid transformation and upgrading of cotton seedlings. Boron-poor fields, 200-250 grams of boron per acre force, and sprayed with 0.2% Sonic boron solution 2-3 times. It is noteworthy that the recent rain is more, in order to prevent cotton seedlings from fertilizing and experiencing heavy rain in the event of leggy, the production should be timely depending on the seedlings sprayed Chi Zhuang prime or mepiquat chemical control, require a small amount of multiple application, can not blindly add Dosage, so as not to affect the bell. After the rain, the soil in the cotton field is easy to be compacted, and the artificial squat should be timely and mechanically cultivating the soil. For more weedy plots, paraquat or glyphosate can be used to prevent directional spray between cotton rows. Rainy weather is conducive to the occurrence and harm of cotton blindness. It should be treated with medicine in time. Skateboard Grip Tape,Skateboard Grip Tapes,Best Skateboard Grip Tape,Custom Skateboard Grip Tape Kunshan Jieyudeng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. ,