Q: The 1596****848 mobile phone sent a message: I am Wang Ailin of the Bincang Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City. I now have 100 acres of land ready for transplanting cabbage. What kind of herbicide should I use to seal the soil before transplanting? The effect is better? Answer: There are many soil sealing treatment agents used before cabbage is transplanted, such as trifluralin, acetochlor, napropamide, pendimethalin, isosorbide and other single agents and compounding agents, which can be based on field grasses. Select the appropriate herbicide. Trifluralin and Napropamide are mainly used for grassy weeds, acetochlor, pendimethalin, and isobutramide, etc. In addition to being effective against a variety of grass weeds, they also have a variety of broad-leaved weeds. Better control effect. In the growing period of rapeseed field weeds are easier to control, and more safe and effective drugs are used; field broadleaf weeds are more difficult to control, and there are few safe and highly effective drugs available, so we should use as much of the broadleaf weeds as possible in soil closure. Effective medicine. After transplanting, Cabbage should not be sprayed with pharmaceuticals such as pendimethalin or isoflurane. Otherwise, it is prone to produce phytotoxicity. It can be sprayed with propafenamine and acetochlor on the next day after transplanting to avoid spraying the drug. To the seedling heart. The soil moisture in the field after spraying should not be too large to prevent phytotoxicity. Screen display vein finder,High Quality Screen display vein finder,Screen display vein finder Details, CN Wuxi Biomedical Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.wxbiomedical.com