Modern pollution is ubiquitous and unpredictable. Fortunately, nature also has a natural “scavenger,†which allows you to build pollution lines while enjoying delicious food. Kelp anti-radiation: Hainan is known as "sea vegetables," said it contains carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, protein, etc., and contains a lot of iodine, known as "iodine warehouse." The kelp extract of Laminaria japonica polysaccharide can inhibit the apoptosis of immune cells and thus protect against the damage of radiation-induced immune function. Millet anti-noise: According to modern scientific tests, the protein content of millet is higher in cereals, especially the high content of tryptophan (202 mg/100 g). Tryptophan has a calming and sleeping effect. In a noisy environment, the consumption of B vitamins in the body is large. Therefore, eating more millet can reduce noise damage, improve hearing, and prevent auditory organ damage. Milk drives lead: Milk is one of people’s favorite foods. Recently, people have also found that milk is a good food for driving lead. On the one hand, milk is rich in calcium, and the proper ratio of calcium to phosphorus can reduce the body's lead load. Second, the protein contained in milk can be combined with lead in the body to form soluble compounds, which can promote the excretion of lead. Pig blood anti-dust: modern medical research found that the protein in the pig's blood after gastric acid decomposition, can produce a disinfection, intestine material. This material can biochemically react with the dust and harmful metal particles that enter the body and carry the dust out of the body. Garlic against nitrosamines: long-term consumption of preserved and smoked products is an important risk factor for digestive tract malignancy. These foods have a greater amount of nitrates and nitrites, and can synthesize nitrosamines with secondary amines in the meat, and nitrosamines are the direct cause of gastric cancer. Garlic has a significant inhibitory effect on the synthesis of nitrosamines. Therefore, eating garlic can prevent digestive tract tumors. Black fungus is resistant to cadmium: Cadmium pollution is also common in modern society, such as metal cadmium in spent batteries, and cadmium intake in a cigarette pack increases by 2 to 4 micrograms. The black fungus contains plant gums that can absorb cadmium that enters the body through the digestive tract and is excreted.
A Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)(PICC Line) is widely used in transfusion therapy and for monitoring many kinds of diseases, especially in critically ill patients. Compared with other catheters, it has a lower risk of catheter-related bloodstream infections.
Intravenous or IV therapy is beneficial for several conditions and medical situations including dehydration, nutrition, shock, surgery, blood transfusions, chemotherapy and medication administration.
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