Probiotic, also known as probiotics or live bacteria, is a type of active microbial additive. On the one hand, probiotics can be developed in the digestive tract, especially in the intestine, and can play a beneficial role after being eaten by livestock and poultry. It can promote the growth and development of livestock and poultry, increase the feed utilization rate, reduce the mortality rate of young animals, and prevent the digestive tract. Diseases, improve the body immunity; On the other hand, compared to the use of antibiotics caused by drug residues, drug-resistant strains and other issues, as a new type of green additives probiotics, due to its no residue, no pollution and no resistance, etc., With its unique advantages, probiotics have become promising new feed additives. Commonly used probiotics In Japan, probiotics are divided into two categories according to their functions: one is an additive type, which is mainly added to young livestock and poultry feed, and can also be used to feed livestock and poultry, with a ratio of 0.02% to 0.2%; the other is Veterinary drugs can be used to treat diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases. A. Matthcrs of the United States divides probiotics into two categories according to the product form: one is a morphological culture probiotic, which is mainly used for ruminant livestock to increase the amount of beneficial microorganisms in the rumen, while monogastric livestock are destroyed by stomach acid. The effect is poor, and the effect is poor. The other is the spore-type culture probiotics. They receive some kind of natural protection (β-glucan coating process) before reaching the intestine. They are inactive and reach the intestine. Activation of a certain factor in the tract shows activity. Improving the environment can improve the viability of probiotics, and it has a promising future. China's Ministry of Agriculture announced 12 feed-grade microbiological additives in June 1999, which are mainly attributed to the following categories: Lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus, Streptococcus faecalis, Bifidobacterium, etc. This is the main category currently used. Yeasts Candida, red yeast, brewing yeast and beer yeast. Bacillus Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis. Light and bacteria PSB bacteria are non-toxic, nutrient-rich, protein content of up to 64.15% ~ 66.0%, and amino acid composition is complete, containing the body's eight essential amino acids, the proportion of various amino acids is also more reasonable. Due to the photosynthetic pigments such as bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids, a certain color appears. Cells also contain a variety of vitamins, especially B vitamins are extremely rich, vitamin B2, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin content is also high, but also contains a large number of carotenoids, coenzyme Q and other physiologically active substances. Therefore, photosynthetic bacteria have a high nutritional value, which is the material basis for its use as a feed ingredient and feed additive in aquaculture. The use of probiotic additives Improve intestinal micro-environment Under normal circumstances, the vast majority of intestine are intrinsic cells (such as Enterobacteriaceae, Streptococcus, and Lactobacillus, etc.), and very few are other bacteria (such as Staphylococcus, Haemophilus, etc.). There are both positive and negative relationships between various bacterial groups. The positive effect promotes the development of the population, develops in the specific environment and goes toward the community, while the external effects limit or prevent the overexpansion of the population. When these two interactions reach equilibrium, we call it "microecological balance." However, when certain conditions change, such as physical, chemical or biological changes in the external environment, the body is in a pathological state, decreased immunity and the use of antibiotics, it will lead to imbalanced colonization of the intestine, this time spoilage bacteria and pathogenic bacteria It will multiply in size, reduce beneficial bacteria, cause micro-ecological disorders, and cause diseases in animals. When probiotics enter the digestive tract, on the one hand, they consume a large amount of oxygen in the intestine through growth and reproduction, and seize the growth conditions of other oxygen-type bacteria; on the other hand, probiotics produce some substances by themselves to inhibit the growth of other harmful bacteria. For example, lactic acid bacteria break down sugars to produce lactic acid and acetic acid, and yeast to produce ethanol inhibits the growth of other bacteria, so that beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract regain their dominant position and establish a good microbiome. Enhance animal immune function Enhancing beneficial bacteria in the intestine, especially lactic acid bacteria, promotes the immune system of animals and plays an important role in specific cellular and humoral immunity as well as non-specific immunity (phagocytosis and complement response). For example, Lactobacillus subsp. cerevisiae can play a role in the formation of certain immunoregulatory factors, stimulating the local immune response of the intestine, so that the body's antibody level and macrophage activity are greatly enhanced. That is, probiotics can be used as antigens to produce corresponding antibodies. In turn, the enhancement of immune function plays an important role in maintaining and promoting the number of intestinal flora. Treatment of cow mastitis Veterinary clinics use isoprenaline and epinephrine to increase the local plasma concentration to achieve the purpose of killing harmful bacteria. However, due to the slow rate of penicillin release, it is difficult to reach an effective plasma concentration in a short time, so it can only be applied to non-acute, non-severe infections. Because this product contains penicillin G potassium for injection, it can produce higher plasma concentrations in inflammation in a short period of time, which not only expands its indications, but also can well reduce the production of resistant strains. At the same time, the active ingredient Analgin has a good therapeutic effect on the hot pain symptoms of mastitis. The prescriptions used in this product are all commonly used by veterinary clinics. The cost is low and the price is moderate. Clinical trials have shown that there is no side effect of this medicine in any case. Therefore, this product is very safe, with extremely low side effects. It can be injected once every 4 days to 5 days. It can save human and financial resources and it is worthy of promotion and application in veterinary clinics. JIANGMEN EASY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD ,