The seedling pests and diseases mainly control whitefly, aphids, and leafminers, and spray 70% imidacloprid 5g plus 40% Wanling 10g to water 15kg. The main diseases in the seedling stage are virus disease and stalk rot. To prevent viral diseases in 3 to 4 true leaves, use 4% ningnanmycin 25 ml + Kangpu zinc 4 ml + dragon light multi-boron 15 ml + sea spirit 8 grams of honey + 100 ml of water spray 15 kg; prevention of stem rot can be used 2 days before planting with a net fast (52.5% fluconazolone cream cymoxan) 9 grams + can kill thousands of 10 grams + sea Elf 8 grams of water spray 15 kg seedbed. Natural, No-addition, Fig series products WEIHAI ACCELERATE BIOTECHNOLOGY CO, LTD ,