Pygmy bee, also known as the drill bee, is a Hymenoptera, leaf bee family. It usually occurs in the pear fields in the north of China. When larvae harm the flowers and young fruits, the larvae feed on each flower and young fruit of almost every flower. Real pears are only harmful to pear varieties.
Yellow Cherry Tomato
Yellow cherry tomato red cherry tomato is a variation on color, also known as grape yellow cherry tomato tomatoes and tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, pearl in foreign countries have "small kingo", "love".It is both a vegetable and fruit, not only the color is gorgeous, beautiful shape, and taste and rich nutrition, besides containing tomatoes all the camp A composition, its vitamin content is higher than the ordinary tomato.Promoted by the United Nations food and agriculture organization (fao) a priority of one of the "four big fruit".Tomatoes is a kind of heat with crops, fruit about 1 ~ 3 cm in diam., red blue, taste sweet, soft, good taste, high nutritional value.
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Morphological characteristics Adult body length of about 5 mm, 11 to 12 mm wingspan, the whole black, antennae filamentous, yellow and transparent wings, the female has a whitish ovipositor.
Eggs are long oval, white translucent eyes produced in the base of the calyx organization, and secrete dark brown mucus to cover the brick?
The larvae are about 8 mm in length and have orange or yellow hemispheres on the head, 3 on the chest and 8 on the gastropod.
The cricket is white and naked, about 4.5 mm long. It is about 2 mm wide and becomes dark brown later.
Life history and habits: Pygmy bees occur one generation in one year, and the mature larvae in the soil cover the winter, with the largest amount of soil within a metre radius from the trunk. Overwintering larvae begin to grow into pods and pears in the bud of pear trees. Embryos emerged from buds. The early stage of Pear Blossom is the peak period of adult emergence. The feathering ends before flowering. When the pear blossoms, most of the adults feed on the pear tree for spawning. After the spawning, fecal secretions are used to block the spawning hole and become a black dot. The larvae are harmed within the fruit for about 20 days. The larvae are released after the old ones are ripe and fall into the ground. Then the spit makes an elliptical wart and it will pass through winter.
Control methods
1 Fall or early spring before the adult unearthed deep-turned tree tray.
2 Before the adult is excavated, spray 50% phoxim EC on the ground 200-400 times, or use 25% microcapsules mixed with 100 times fine soil for soil chemical treatment to kill the unearthed adults.
3 Adults use their suspended dead trees to kill insects.