Potato no-tillage and grass-mulching cultivation techniques have four obvious advantages: 1 It eliminates the need to plow tillage, dig a hole, planting weeds and digging potatoes to harvest and other processes, labor-saving labor-saving section; 2 potato block is smooth, potato-shaped round , High yield; 3 to achieve straw return to the field, control the growth of weeds, improve soil fertility, reduce the amount of pesticides and fertilizers to help protect the environment; 4 have a certain degree of insulation and antifreeze. However, this technology has three disadvantages at the same time: 1. Excessive use of straw requires more than 3 acres of straw per acre to increase the cost of production; 2 The emergence of difficult management, too thick cover grass is not conducive to emergence, too thin is easy to moisture Evaporation results in the loss of water in the seed potatoes. 3 The rate of green potatoes is high. After the straw is rotted in the late growth period, it can easily be dried and scraped away. The potato chips are exposed to green. Therefore, there is still a certain degree of difficulty in the promotion and application of large areas, and it must be technologically improved. At present, the more successful experience is to change the straw cover method. Changing the total mulching coverage is a sowing line. Generally, 1 mu of straw can cover 1 mus of potato. At the same time, the technology is combined with the film to achieve early harvest and improve efficiency. Pre-preparation: mulching film to promote early cultivation, sowing time should be in late December. Choose paddy fields with deep tillage and well-irrigated sand or loam soils. Glyphosate sprays and weeds are used 7 days before sowing to fill in larger and deeper footwells. Seed treatment: Use early-maturing and high-product varieties such as Dongnong 303 and Zhongshu No.3. Choose pest free, no frost damage potato pieces, according to the distribution of germination and the size of the potato pieces, will be cut into 2-4 pieces of potato, each piece to retain at least one robust bud, dressing with planting ash to prevent wound infection. The following kinds of fertilization: use lime or steamed bread to draw lumps at 1.5 meters in even ditch, according to a large spacing of 20-25 cm, a small spacing of 10 cm, planting spacing of 20-25 cm sowing, each sowing 6 rows, 6500 acres sowing, or Each row of 4 rows, about 5500 acres sowing, acres with 125-150 kg. The seed potatoes are placed directly on the surface of the soil and pressed lightly so that the seed potatoes are in close contact with the soil to facilitate rooting. Conditional farmhouse manure can be applied 1500-2000 kg per mu, and 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer should be applied between the two caves. Do not contact the seed potato. If all fertilizers are used, the dosage can be increased to about 75 kg. Geiger cover: the use of strip cover, the direction parallel to the crucible, the root and the top of the phase, and uniform coverage without leaving gaps, straw thickness of 8-10 cm, the thickness of the cover will not cause the sweet potato, too thick will affect the emergence. After the cover ditching, the soil was broken and pressed on the straw to prevent the straw from being blown away by the wind. During the ditching, due to the influence of the weather, the soil mass is large and it should be broken in time to evenly press on the straw to prevent the emergence of seedlings. Field management: Basic management is not required after sowing. In late January, we sprayed with prometryne or oxathione to prevent weeds before cover film, and then covered with plastic film. At the same time, the double-membrane cultivation was covered with a small arch film. After the emergence of the seedlings in late February, the membranes will be induced. Seedlings pay attention to weather changes, generally with the increase in temperature, during the daytime of the double shed night cover, it is necessary to do a good job of removing the film and venting to prevent high temperature hot seedlings. It is a cooked egg made from various seasonings or gravy. Marinated eggs are a popular food in the delicatessen market for eggs and are generally popular with the people. Egg Snacks,Marinated Egg,Stewed Quail Eggs,Salted Stewed Quail Eggs Hangzhou Aiyomi food co.,LTD , https://www.aiyomisnacks.com
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